We are active in Marine and Mechanical Engineering. With a good experiences worked background since 1981, we proudly offer among the best engineering services at Malaysia East Coast region.

Come and surf our homepage to know better about our company and business activities.

Streaming Video: Boat launch into water after repaired.

Location of Geliga Slipway in Terengganu state, Malaysia.

Geliga Slipway Sdn. Bhd. Map

Sumai Group Of Companies
Geliga Slipway Sdn. Bhd.
Managing Director
Account Department

Jakar Industrial Estate


Download Geliga Slipway Sdn. Bhd. Oragnisation Structure

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Presently, Geliga Slipway Sdn Bhd owns two subsidiary companies as follows:

1. Premier Level Sdn Bhd

JRG Network Sdn Bhd
2. JRG Network Sdn Bhd